SafeHouse Center
24/7 HelpLine: 734-995-5444
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Linea de Apoyo de 24 horas: 734-995-5444
Si esta en grave peligro, llame a 911.

Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Survivor Services

For more information about how SafeHouse Center can help you and your family, or to make an appointment to talk with an advocate about our crisis support and legal advocacy services, please call our HelpLine at 734-995-5444.

Emergency Shelter

We are an Emergency Shelter for survivors of domestic violence and their children. Because our services must be available to many people who are unsafe in their present living situation, each resident is given a 35 day stay. However, some stay longer depending on their individual situation. More information about the emergency shelter.

Crisis Support & Advocacy

Domestic Violence Survivors
Individual, short-term crisis support is available to any survivor of domestic violence over the age of 14 with parental consent, regardless of the age at which the assault occurred. Advocates work with survivors on safety planning around staying or leaving the relationship and helping them to cope with and heal from the abuse they have experienced. During this time advocates explore with survivors what domestic violence is and how it has impacted their life and their children’s lives while looking at their feelings regarding these issues (i.e. grief, fear, anger …). We also provide these services in Spanish and Arabic to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Sexual Assault Survivors
Individual, short-term crisis support is available to any survivor of sexual assault over the age of 14, regardless of the age at which the assault occurred. Crisis support provides survivors with a supportive environment for exploring their thoughts and feelings about their experience of sexual assault. Individual crisis support is also available to friends, family members and partners of survivors so that they can have a safe place to process and gain positive ways to support the survivor.

Legal Advocacy Assistance (civil and criminal)

Legal advocates can provide information to survivors about the court proceedings, the law, policies and practices of the criminal and civil justice system. Advocates can provide court accompaniment and/or advocacy between the survivor and the legal system around bond conditions, violations of probation, civil stand-bys etc. Advocates can provide assistance with PPO preparation and filing along with providing information and support around custody, divorce and immigration matters. More information about our legal advocacy services.

Outreach Services

SafeHouse Center is working in collaboration with the University of Michigan and the Health Care System in Washtenaw County to enhance domestic violence and sexual assault services to the University of Michigan student’s spouses and the Spanish Speaking community.

As part of our outreach efforts we provide education to the staff and students of our area universities as well as our wider community. SafeHouse Center staff is available to speak at community events to increase the public’s understanding of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and its impact on survivors. Get more info about our community presentations or request one for your next event!

Support Groups

Although each survivor’s experience is unique, it can be especially helpful to talk to others who have been or are going through situations similar to your own.  The groups provide a safe environment as well as support and healing from the abuse you have experienced in your life. More information about our currently active Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Support Groups

For more information about how SafeHouse Center can help you and your family, or to make an appointment to talk with an advocate about our crisis support and legal advocacy services, please call our 24/7 HelpLine at 734-995-5444.