24/7 HelpLine: 734-995-5444 If you are in immediate danger, call 911. |
Linea de Apoyo de 24 horas: 734-995-5444 Si esta en grave peligro, llame a 911. |
After you have been selected for a volunteer position you will need to fulfill the following training requirements. Core training happens 3 times a year (Winter, Spring and Fall).
Training will be held HYBRID for all CORE & Specialized Program training. Please note: you must attend and/or watch ALL of the training components.
Video trainings: Once you’ve been selected you will receive a link to approximately 12 hours of video trainings. These can be watched on your own time but must be completed prior to the core training.
Core training: This training provides basic information about SafeHouse Center and working with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Mandatory CORE Training:
Winter Dates
Thursday, January 30, 6-9pm (Virtual)
Friday, January 31, 6-9pm (Virtual)
Saturday, February 1 , 9am-5pm (In-Person)
Sunday, February 2, 9am-5pm (In-Person)
Spring Dates
Thursday, May 15 , 6-9pm (Virtual)
Friday, May 16, 6-9pm (Virtual)
Saturday, May 17, 9am-5pm (In-Person)
Sunday, May 18, 9am-5pm (In-Person)
Fall Dates
Thursday, September 18 , 6-9pm (Virtual)
Friday, September 19, 6-9pm (Virtual)
Saturday, September 20, 9am-5pm (In-Person)
Sunday, September 21, 9am-5pm (In-Person)
Specialized program training: These training sessions are geared to the specific volunteer position you are assigned to.
Winter Mandatory Program Training:
Response Team (21+): February 8 and 9, 9am-4pm
Shelter Facility Care: February 8 9am-4pm
Helpline: February 7, 9am-4pm, February 8, 9am-4pm
Helpline Office Training:
Week 1: Mon-Thur 2/10-2/14 , Week 2: Mon-Thur 2/17-2/20
Support Group: February 8 and 9, 9am-4pm
Front Desk: TBD
Community Awareness: TBD