24/7 HelpLine: 734-995-5444 If you are in immediate danger, call 911. |
Linea de Apoyo de 24 horas: 734-995-5444 Si esta en grave peligro, llame a 911. |
Dear Friends:
The conversation around the #MeToo Movement is getting louder each day, with no signs of stopping. Survivors are finding the courage to move past their fear and seek help. SafeHouse Center is Washtenaw County’s community resource who answers the phone 24-hours a day to provide resources and comfort.
For too long we have relied solely on survivors who have experienced violence, to be the brave ones to speak out, stand up, and confront the problem or their perpetrator. Survivors can’t bear this burden by themselves any longer. To truly bring change, we need women and men working together.
“We must recognize that domestic violence is also our issue to solve. It’s up to us to speak up when we see an abusive relationship. It’s also our responsibility to talk about this issue and teach others what a healthy relationship looks like.” – Jim Knauf
The reality is that abuse can happen to men and women. Also true is that most men are not abusive. But far too often, men remain silent about the abuse committed by other men. That silence complicates the problem and does not bring about cultural change.
“It’s time for all of us – especially men – to understand that our behavior and what we say and do makes a difference. When we speak up about sexist jokes, sexual harassment, and all forms of violence, we become an ally in this fight. Only men can end men’s violence against women.” – Todd Kephart
Please join Todd and Jim and add your voice to the Men’s Campaign. To provide support, please return the donation form below by August 31, 2018 so that we may include you as having the courage to speak up for survivors and be an ally.
Barbara Niess-May, MPA, MSW
Executive Director
P.S. We are proud to recognize all donations of $100 or more to the Men’s Campaign in a full page ad in the October Ann Arbor Observer. We must receive your response by 8-31-18 to be included in the community support ad. We sincerely appreciate the support.