24/7 HelpLine: 734-995-5444 If you are in immediate danger, call 911. |
Linea de Apoyo de 24 horas: 734-995-5444 Si esta en grave peligro, llame a 911. |
2-1-1 is a free referral program that aims to distribute information about local social service providers to people in need. The service is free and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 has interpretation services in several languages – including, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.
2-1-1 aims to provide community members access to information regarding social services, financial aid, and other necessary referrals within their area with the easy to remember 2-1-1 phone number. Using 2-1-1 takes one phone call rather than unwarranted travel time and other expenses that add up going to and from agencies for information. Operators also can provide emotional support to the caller when seeking services during a time of hardship.